In addition to being one of the most innovative and fastest growing logistics companies in the Nordics, our team here at Nordic Spedition also aspire to be leaders in developing sustainability.
Our short-term and long-term sustainability objectives are a clear sign that we are committed to creating a cleaner, more responsible and honest environment. An environment where every person has the opportunity to live a fulfilling life, save energy and other resources, and look after their precious health.
Of course, all our activities and processes are certified to ISO 14001 standards.
2030 Goals: Zero Emission and Global Sustainable Development
In 2015, the leaders of all 193 member states of the UN agreed to 17 sustainable development goals. Achieving these goals would end extreme poverty, inequality and anthropogenic climate change by 2030.
However, for the goals to be met and the change to happen, everyone needs to do their part: governments, private sector and the general public. As leaders in sustainability in the logistics sector, our team has focused on the areas where we can make the biggest change.
Good Health and Well-Being
Gender Equality
Affordable and Clean Energy
Decent Work and Economic Growth
Responsible Consumption and Production
Climate Action